Magnesium Did Nothing. Now It's Heavy-Metal Treatments.

I had a phone consultation with Dr. Cohen. He told me if the magnesium hadn't worked by then, it was not going to work at all; nor would most other vasodilators. He encouraged me to keep using the Lyrica up to 450mg a day. I found it discouraging, but he said there are still a lot of other drug possibilities. he suggested a couple of non-prescription natural things to do, but they didn't work. My np is holding off on trying the prescription suggestions, all of which would not get to the root cause, which is my fibromyalgia.

I presume that the muscle walls of my blood vessels are in spasm, sending mixed messages to my autonomic nervous system to think I have a blood flow deficiency in my feet, and it is overcompensating by dilating the capillaries there. The resultant blood engorgement creates sensitivity to ambient heat, swelling and heat from inside out. The feet can look alarmingly bad. It feels like they are on fire.

In the meantime, I asked my np to test me for heavy metals (a chelation-challenge urine-collection test) and voila: I was very high in lead and cadmium levels. My lead level was 24 when it should be under 2. So I am in the process of doing chelation therapy to remove the lead. Stay tuned.

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