Our 24th anniversary

I have been using natural forms of the ISAC fibrin treatment, as described earlier on my blog: namely, blood thinning substances such as aspirin and grape seed extract, and lumbrokinase to break down the fibrin. I have not aggressively sought treatment with heparin, as it would require some travel on my part, as well as setting aside my family responsibilities, and that is a huge obstacle, given my condition. I wouldn’t expect the natural route to have very immediate effect, as it can take up to a year even with heparin. In the meantime I have been tested for and seem to be positive for two viruses: Epstein-Barr and HHV-6. They were antibody tests, and only indicate a history of infection. I would need to get tested again to try to determine if the infections are still active. In addition, Dr. Berg has emailed me saying my ISAC results indicate there is SOME live viruses present in my blood, and he suspected they were the two mentioned above. So I still need to confirm that is the case, and try to find a doctor who will experiment on me with antivirals…as Jacob Teitelbaum says, it would be best to do all the treatments AT THE SAME TIME. He uses the analogy of trying to fix a car that won't start. If you replace the dead battery but not the broken starter, or vice versa, you still have a car that won't start. Everything must be treated at once. This all takes time, money, travel, finding another doctor…and I have to get on with life while my children are still in my home. So I will continue on this natural path for at least two years, and if a door opens for me to pursue further treatment, I will go there. 

I think I must be doing slighter better overall, or I couldn’t be even entertaining the idea of “getting on with life”. So that’s a good sign. I still have very limited strength and energy. A two-hour trip to the mountains with my husband for our 24th anniversary this week left me worthless, “punchy” and in pain the second day, but John waited on me hand and foot, and that was special. By the third day I was functioning well again, and endured the drive home without too much pain.

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