Up to 800mg magnesium

So far so good! My burning feet have not worsened as I have been titrating up on magnesium. The more I read about magnesium, the more hopeful I am that it is the answer to my problems. How many other fibromyalgics out there are magnesium deficient and don't know it??? I read now that many fmers respond well to magnesium malate, according to a double-blind placebo study. So I have ordered some online. Right now I am using IV-grade MgSO4 and taking it orally. But it is $10 a bottle, and I will soon be using a whole bottle a day. So hopefully I will be able to go to an oral product and do alright. I have learned so much about the intricacies of calcium with magnesium lately. Go here for a very good article on the Role of Magnesium in Fibromyalgia.

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