Onward and Upward

So after a week of trying to get back into my normal routine of working out in the Y pool I am regaining my strength again. I still have skin fissures on my feet from Athlete's Foot, but I am living with it. I am going to soak them daily in hydrogen peroxide for the next two weeks to see if any improvement occurs. I still find antifungal creams OTC and applying cold the two most helpful treatments for my red, swelling feet. I also use New Skin (liquid bandage--just fingernail polish with antiseptic) on the fissures. 

 I have a home traction unit now from the physical therapy office. I like it! I hope this will spare me in the long run from further compression and impingement in my neck due to an old whiplash injury.

P.S. I stopped using the traction unit when it strained my tight neck muscles too much.

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