CANDIDA BE GONE! OxyAloe is the ticket

I think it worked: the OxyFlush product from Phoenix Nutritionals, developed by Dr. Whiting, has removed my candida-related symptoms!
I drank the bottles of OxyAloe for the last eight weeks, carefully following the instructions but reducing the frequency to twice a day when I sensed a general weakening during the treatment. During the last two weeks I have cautiously re-introduced carbs and natural sugars into my diet. I am overjoyed to say I have not had ANY RECURRENCE OF SYMPTOMS (rashy-itchy skin, vaginitis, etc.) This is a major breakthrough for me. I have spent the last four or five years trying to control this scourge, and now I believe I have conquered it! I want to tell the whole world and the millions of women who struggle with this problem.

OxyAloe comes in a liquid form, and is very palatable, even though its main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. It tastes like berry flavor, and can be kept at room temperature, but you can refrigerate it if you prefer to drink it chilled. The trick is in the timing--you must not eat any solids for three hours prior to dosing, and nothing for 30 minutes after. Dr. Whiting told me it takes 20 minutes for the product to be absorbed through the stomach lining. It follows that it does not harm the beneficial bacteria in your gut, but WILL KILL most any bacteria, fungus or virus alive in your bloodstream. That means you could probably benefit from taking this the next time you have a cold or flu. Perhaps everyone should have a bottle handy for that purpose!

The OxyFlush Kit comes with eight bottles of OxyAloe and one bottle of MegaDoph. The latter product is for rebuilding beneficial flora. It contains 1 billion units of lactobacillus acidophilus. There are many such products on the market; this makes it convenient to use after you are through with the OxyAloe.

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