Weston Price and the Body Ecology Diet

In the last two months I have revolutionized my eating and cooking habits, and it is having results! I am using a combination of the Body Ecology Diet and Weston Price/Nourishing Traditions-style preparation. My goal has been to eat 66% non-starchy vegetables and more raw/organic food. I feel so much more nourished and stronger! The B.E.D. allows me to eat four grains once again--hurray! I love millet best, with quinoa mixed in. I am experimenting with homemade breads and having a grand time. (No, I'm not kneading the dough--I have a KitchenAid mixer and a breadmaker that makes it possible for me to make the bread. I also use a cheap food processor to grind my soaked whole grains just prior to baking. Thank you, Lord, for such appliances in my kitchen.) I guess I finally became convinced of organic as the way to go after watching the video Food, Inc. You can download it for free from Netflix.com. I highly recommend this movie. I was very skeptical and slow to believe what I was watching, but I had to admit that the movie built a very strong case for getting off the commercial-food wagon. Then I found out I have allergies to egg, dairy, wheat, almonds, peanuts, and a few other things, and realized I had to make some major diet changes. I started reading Sally Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions (a Weston Price Foundation resource), and the B.E.D. book, and was amazed. I was hooked. So now I am saving all the money I was wasting on supplements and spending it on good wholesome, organic food, and feeling better. It took me awhile, but I'm learning, and having a ball in the kitchen. I still have candida issues primarily in my red, swollen feet. I am taking Itraconazole now (Sporanox). I am weaning off of the Savella because I had a very scary dizzy/disoriented spell this week, and my provider thinks it was the culprit. We'll see what happens.

Postscript, June 2022 - My excitement was short-lived. I soon went downhill too much to keep up with all the food prep necessary--the soaking, sprouting, fermenting--for the grains and nuts. I didn't see that much improvement anyway. I was soon taking a fistful of supplements again, but I have remained an organic- and grass-fed consumer-shopper. 

And now I know how way-off the B.E.D. is, except for its touting seafood. I probably only made myself worse with all those grains and vegetables, packed as they are with toxins. Lately I have been making sprouted wheat flour and sourdough, thanks to Fallon, and she wasn't far off the mark when she has been quoted as saying, "We can probably treat vegetables as optional." Now that I'm eating toxin-free food I can keep up with the extra kitchen work, including making a bread recipe I have developed myself with lots of eggs, low phytates and low gluten, which I will post in a future blog. Animal-based (meat + fruit) is the way to go. White rice is the least toxic of the grains, if you cook it until very sticky, or under pressure.

My red swollen feet had nothing to do with candida. It was erythromelalgia. 

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