Done with ValCyte, on with Nystatin

I finished a one-year course of ValCyte in October. My provider thought it was enough time, and retested my HHV-6 and EBV antibodies. The test showed I indeed have no current infection of either. So the ValCyte probably worked to rid any such viruses. But--I'm as fibromyalgic as ever. A friend just gave me a new book. The Bible Cure for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia by Don Colbert, M.D. The doctor seems to agree with my provider on most issues, including naming candidiasis as a major culprit or cause. Indeed, my systemic candida symptoms are worsening. Am using antifungal cream constantly on my swollen, red, itchy, burning feet. The swelling is not just my toes now, but has moved into the pads of my feet. Even in freezing winter temperatures (unseasonably cold for So. Oregon), I am sitting here barefoot as I write. A year ago I would have been donning socks and quilted slippers all day, and kept them on in bed at night. Go figure. After reading the book and sharing its contents with my provider today, she agreed to put me on Nystatin for the next two or three months. I also got results on a blood allergy test, showing allergies to dairy, eggs, peanuts, kidney and navy beans, green beans, and moderate allergy to beef, chicken, wheat, gluten, tomato, and a whole host of foods. I was not surprised. I am now resigned and resolute about getting this candida under control. I'll do whatever it takes. No more whining about all the foods I can't eat. Self-pity is no longer acceptable. I want to be well!

P.S. June 20, 2022 - I have come to the conclusion, as has Dr. Saladino, that the allergy tests are useless. My attempts at food avoidance made no difference in my condition. 
My swollen feet were a symptom of erythromelalgia, another condition I self-diagnosed on the Web in spite of seeing a foot doctor at the time who had never heard of it. I still deal with it to this day.

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