Update on present meds and supps

Here is my present medication and supplement regimen. A.M.: ValCyte NaturThyroid 1.25 grains CandiZyme Multivitamin Iron 120 mg Sabella (antidepressant SNRI) Vit D D-Ribose and Ambrotose Acidophilus (or yogurt) Downed with milk or smoothie P.M.: just before bed ValCyte SeriPhos (reduces cortisol level) - 4 caps Sabella progesterone cream .8 cc cyclobenzaprine 3-4 mg Ambien CR 6.5 mg If I wake before 4am I take another Ambien CR 6.5 mg to get 2-3 more hours of sleep.

P.S. June 2022 I take none of these now, and the only supps I take are: calcium and collagen powder and salt. I also take dessicated beef organ capsules. Beef is the best all-around nutrient dense food on the planet. For sleep I am weaning off Flexeril and Lyrica, and taking magnesium powder and ER melatonin.

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