Amalgam removal, acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen
No, the cholestyramine did not do the trick for me. I'm not surprised. Since then I have had all of my mercury fillings removed to be replaced with specially-chosen resins that are biocompatible for me. I had a biocompatibility test done, and the dentist, Dr. Robbins of Ashland, Oregon, used the test results to choose which resin to use. He is specially skilled in amalgam removal and I highly recommend him. I bought a bottle of detox capsules from him to use afterwards. It took four trips to his office to have the work completed. I had seven molars with amalgam fillings, usually multiple fillings in each molar. It was expensive, but I'm glad I did it, just to rule out the possibility that it was affecting my health. Have my fibro symptoms improved after the dental work? No. It has been two months since it was completed. I suppose I could still be detoxing, but it's hard to tell. I will ask my provider to test my blood for heavy metals the next time I visit her. My feet h...